Families of the Class of 2029,
We are excited to welcome you to Glenbard West for our 8th Grade Family Curriculum Night on Wednesday, January 15th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. On the night of the event, families will begin in the auditorium with Principal Ben Peterselli’s message to families at 6:30pm. Following his address, we will have student ambassadors, maps, and signs to guide you to locations throughout the building where department chairs and teachers, along with our summer school principal, will be stationed to provide information and answer your questions. Click here to see the department locations for the evening.
As you may know, parking on our campus can be challenging. Please allow ample time to secure parking and make your way up into the building. You can find parking in our staff lots (off of Ellyn or behind Biester), in front of the building off of Crescent Blvd, or in the commuter parking lot off of Montclair. Know that you can enter the building through Doors 1 and 2 on Circle Drive or Doors 23 and 24 in the back of the building.
Tendremos una presentación para todos nuestras familias de habla-hispana a las 6:30 pm en el salón 224/225. Esta presentación será seguida por un recorrido por los diferentes departamentos académicos. Los estudiantes intérpretes estarán disponibles durante este tiempo para ayudar a familias.
Introduction to Glenbard West Presentations
Please click on the links below to learn about our academic offerings, summer school enrichment opportunities, and the registration and enrollment process.
Mr. Jeremiah Wiencek
Director of School Counseling |
Mrs. Lauren Meister-Norton
Summer School Principal |
Ms. Lissete Ochoa, Mr. Tad Keely
School Counselors |
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