Student Services Department

Glenbard West Student Services

About Our Department:

The Student Services Department is comprised of the Assistant Principal for Student Services, School Social Workers, School Psychologists, and the Speech Pathologist.

Student Services staff offer support to students in relation to social-emotional, behavioral, personal, communication, and academic concerns.

Student Services Team:

Peter Baker
Assistant Principal for Student Services
(630) 942-7461 Max Hufnagle
Administrative Assistant to Peter Baker
(630) 942-7462Lisa Cunningham
Administrative Secretary to Student Services
(630) 942-7761

Amanda Meyer
School Psychologist

Jessica Walters
School Social Worker
(630) 942-7454

Jackie Reeves
School Social Worker
(630) 469-8600

Bridget Mazzone
School Social Worker
(630) 942-7457 Nisa Gabbidon
School Psychologist
(630) 942-7458Deandra Bass
School Social Worker
(630) 942-7455

Pam Hagstrom
Speech-Language Pathologist
(630) 942-7751

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

What is it?  Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which students acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

As a department and furthermore, as a school, we believe in the importance of SEL for all students.  SEL takes place during classroom lectures, individual counseling, and building-wide initiatives.  As a staff, we model the acquisition of critical thinking skills, effective communication, collaboration among staff and students as well as helping to mold responsible and productive citizens.  It is our mission as a department to help students gain and further develop their Social Emotional Learning

SEL Wheel

Social-Emotional and Academic Supports

 Mental Health Resources

Glenbard West School Violence and Bullying Tip Line (630) 942-­7406

CRISIS Text Line: 741741

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Supports

  • Individual Counseling
  • Eating Disorders
  • Social/ Peer/ Family Problems
  • Anger Management
  • Suicide Prevention/ Self-injury
  • Grief/Loss
  • Problem Solving/ Coping Skills
  • Gang Prevention
  • Responsible Sexual Decisions
  • Substance Use/Abuse
  • Anxiety/ Depression

Psycho-Educational Groups

  • Psycho-educational Groups
  • Classroom Lessons
  • Collaboration and consultation with teachers/ staff / coaches regarding student social/emotional needs
  • Collaboration with outside providers to support hospitalized students
  • Community and family resources
  • Homeless / Low Income Families
  • Mental Health Referrals

School refusal supports

  • Team interventions
  • Hospital program referrals
  • Work with Regional Office of Education

Assist with monitoring Response to Intervention (RtI) strategies

Special Education referrals, evaluation & supplemental services

Executive functioning support

  •  Study skill support
  •  Goal setting
  • Organizational assistance

Collaboration & consultation with teachers/ staff / coaches regarding student academic and behavioral concerns

 Behavioral & academic observations to provide individual and class-wide interventions

504 planning and case management

If you are in need of community resources, please visit this link for additional assistance District 87 Community Online Resources