Advisor – Mr. Jeffrey
The goal of this club is to foster the creative musical talents of students in all styles from all areas of Glenbard West. This club will meet every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school in the choir room (room 215) from 2:45-3:45.It is open to all students interested in collaborating with others musically or working on their own individual musical talents. Coaching will be available for students wishing to improve their skills in performance and music production. Students will have access to recording equipment and access to the computer lab where they can use Logic Pro and Garage Band for creating beats and songwriting and recording. Access to practice rooms for recording will also be available. Opportunities to perform their music for a live audience will be available at Cabaret Night and other events as determined throughout the year. For more information, please contact Mr. Jeffrey.
Aerospace Club
Advisor – Mr. Scott
Join us to discuss airplanes, rockets, gliders, and all things that fly! Opportunities to design and engineer your own flight vehicles occur throughout the year.
American Sign Language Club
Sponsor – Ms. Callicoat
This club is open to all students interested in learning American Sign Language. We work together to communicate in ASL. As we improve, we hope to reach out to the community to help make events welcoming to all.
Advisor – Ms. Jaclyn Reeves
Anime refers to a popular style of animation that originated and continues to be practiced in Japan. Like any entertainment medium, the storylines represent most major genres of fiction. Anime is broadcast on television, distributed on media such as DVD and VHS, and included in video games. Additionally, some are produced as full-length motion pictures. Anime often draws influence from the manga (comic books), light novels, and other cultures. Some anime storylines have been adapted into live action films and television series. Anime Club meets once a week after school to watch different styles of Anime each week. All are welcome to attend.
Asian Club
Advisor – Ms. Tsou
Chinese Club was organized for students of all grades to enjoy the culture of the Chinese-speaking world. Students will be introduced to Chinese festivals, Chinese fables/idioms, video of scenery sites and the major events in Chinese history. Hands-on cultural activities may include taste of Chinese food/snacks/tea, Chinese folk arts, crafts, chess, popular exercises, yo-yo tricks, calligraphy and visits to Chinese Dance or Kung Fu performance, New Year celebration at Chinatown and local Chinese restaurant.
Astronomy Club
Advisors – Mr. Scott
The Astronomy Club is for students that are curious about the Universe and what’s in it. We conduct lab exercises, demonstrations, and deep conversations about space. The club is open to all levels of ability and understanding.
Bass Fishing Club
Advisor – Mr. Eckman
The Glenbard West Bass Fishing Club is an outdoor club that meets once or twice a month throughout the year. In the spring, 2-4 members of the club will be chosen to represent the school in the IHSA State Series to qualify for the State Championship Tournament at Carlyle Lake the first weekend in May. Practices and tryouts will be held in the spring, but members are expected to come to meetings throughout the year and participate in other outings and volunteer opportunities.
Best Buddies
Advisor – Ms. Chen & Ms. Tranchita
Best Buddies is a nation-wide program that establishes one-on-one pairing of students to enhance individuals with special needs and a “peer buddy” in both their abilities to: 1) build friendships, 2) develop social skills, 3) gain self-confidence, and 4) to become leaders.
Black Student Association
Advisor – Ms. Bass
Our purpose is to cultivate an equitable environment at Glenbard West that embraces cultural and racial diversity. It is a platform to enhance students’ knowledge of Black history and cultural awareness; promote post-secondary preparedness; enrich students’ lives through community outreach and involvement; and gain greater self-concept/awareness.
Book Club
Advisor – Ms. Flemming
This is a new club.
Business Club
Advisor – Mr. Boeche
Business club will be a weekly club that focuses on developing student’s expertise and exposure in several different business subjects. We will also have several competitions in the sessions and award small prizes. Seniors will lead us in many areas of discussions, little breakouts and take interests throughout the year on what we want to cover!
Cheer (Co-Ed)
Advisor – Ms. Montgomery & Ms. Patton
Male and female athletes ranging from 9th-12th grade that perform sideline cheers and half time performances to support our football and basketball programs, as well as promote spirit amongst the student body. In the winter season, the cheer program competes in IHSA sponsored competitions.
Chess Club
Advisor – Mr. Nogulich
Checkmate! Meetings begin in September and are after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Once the season starts in mid-October, we will have chess meets with other schools in our conference on most Tuesdays. Chess Club also competes in some all-day tournaments; one of those is the West Suburban Conference meet, and another is the Illinois State Chess Tournament in February. Join our club regardless of skill level and have fun learning and getting better at chess!
Dance Team
Advisor – Ms. Valdick
The Glenbard West Dance Team performs at home football games. During the Winter, the dance team competes under IHSA as a sport. Tryouts for the dance team begin in the last two weeks in May.
Delta Epsilon Phi (German Honor Society)
Advisor – Ms. Washburn
Students who are studying German may be elected to membership in Delta Epsilon Phi, the National German Honor Society. In order to be considered for membership, the student must have studied German for at least three semesters at Glenbard West. They must also meet all academic requirements.
Dice It Up Gaming Club
Advisor – Ms. Emily Reeves
Students who enjoy gaming away from the computer still have a home. Come explore games of all types, including RPG’s, CCG’s, Board Games, and more. The club has a collection of games available, and you’re welcome to bring in your favorite and share it with others. We meet weekly and have a weekend game day each semester.
Ecology Club
Advisor – Mr. Lindberg
Do you want to help spread the word on the potential dangers of global warming and pollution? Do you want to help the local AND global environment? Join ECO Club and become part of the solution. ECO Club offers a variety of ways to get involved and help make a difference.
Empowerment Club
Sponsor – Ms. Hass
This is a new club.
E-Sports Club
Advisor – Mr. Brock
Come join us as we play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and other games on the Nintendo Switch! Everyone is welcome!
Fashion Club
Advisors – Ms. Krol & Ms. Monahan
Fashion club is a group comprised of students who have a passion for fashion, or who are looking to develop one. The club meets every other week to talk about trends, plan events, as well as take various fashion field trips. The club’s big event is an annual fashion show showcasing student style while putting the money towards a good cause. The club aims to help students learn more about fashion and decide if maybe they want to make their passion into a career!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Advisor – Mr. Zander
Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel.
Advisor – Mr. Sanchez
The soccer club is for students interested in playing soccer just for fun. Have you ever heard of FIFA? Be part of our annual FIFA tournament for up to 64 people. There are major prizes involved! We also have game viewing parties for major European tournaments such as the UEFA Champions League. Join us; this one of a kind club is made for you!
Advisor – Ms. Rangira
The Forensics Team (Speech Team) competes with teams throughout the state from the end of October to the end of February. Anyone who is interested in Acting, Oral Interpretation and Public Speaking competition is invited to come out for the team during the second week of the school year. Competition is held in Humorous and Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous and Dramatic Duet Acting, Poetry Reading, Prose Reading, Original Comedy, Radio Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, Original Oratory, Impromptu Speaking and Special Occasion Speaking.
French Club
Advisors – Ms. Callicoat & Ms. Casey
French Club is the place to meet students of all grades and levels who are interested in the language and culture of France and the French-speaking world. Activities may include: movie nights in the auditorium, designing club T-shirts, fundraisers for children in need, trick-or-treating for canned goods, and a visit to a local French restaurant. We elect three officers for our club: President, Vice President, and Secretary.
Future Teachers of America Club
Advisor – Mr. Kelly
Have you ever had a teacher that changed your life? Are you interested in a career in education? Club Ed is Glenbard West’s Future Educators Club. We meet approximately three times a month on Wednesdays after school in Room 208 to discuss hot educational topics and what it takes to be a teacher. We also help support GBW scholarships by hosting Faculty Follies and Education Spirit Week.
Glenbard Latinos Organization (GLO)
Advisors – Ms. Contreas, Ms. Ochoa & Mr. Sanchez
Glenbard Latino Organization is an organization to help bring a sense of community to Latino students here at Glenbard West High School. We encourage Latino students to go to college and to challenge themselves not only here at West, but also in the community. We do this by hosting fun activities that the students enjoy that help bring our culture to Glenbard West. We want to establish a Latino culture here at West where we can teach others about our tradition and background. G.L.O. welcomes new members and look forward to new ideas on how to continue shaping our organization.
German Club
Advisor – Ms. Washburn
German Club was formed to promote the language and culture of German-speaking countries. Students celebrate German holidays and participate in various cultural activities at monthly meetings.
The Glen Bard (Newspaper)
Advisors – Mr. Save & Ms. Zayas
Students are always eager to read The Glen Bard at gwhsnews.org. News, sports, features, video segments, and editorials are produced by a staff of over thirty students under the direction of Ms. Zayas and Mr. Save. Students may join the staff anytime during the year. Writers, photographers, web designers, and videographers are welcome! Training is provided for those who wish to join, but lack experience. The sponsors are Ms. Zayas and Mr. Save.
Global Connect
Advisor – Ms. Brandt
The primary purpose of Global Connect is to establish a relationship with students in developing countries in order to create a better understanding of the diverse world around us. We also work to support the material needs of the school in order to help foster better learning environments for those students. This club will enhance our understanding of other people in a different culture as well as to help those students who are so excited to learn and don’t have the resources to make that learning experience as productive as possible.
Interact Club
Advisor – Mr. Kelly
Interact is Rotary International’s service group designed for high school students and is supported by Glen Ellyn ís Rotary International. The goals of Interact are to develop leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others, understand the value of individual responsibility and hard work, and advance international understanding and goodwill. As part of Interact, students put service above self and work to benefit their local, as well as the national community. Members are given opportunities to make a difference in their community as well as become better leaders. All students are welcome.
International Club
Advisor – Ms. Wells
Our International Club gives students the opportunity to enhance their appreciation and understanding of a broad range of cultures. The club provides opportunities for sharing and for friendships among foreign exchange students, bilingual students and American students, faculty, and staff. Club meetings are the first Thursday of every month before school.
Internet Production Club (IPC)
Advisor – Mr. Hendricksen
The Internet continues to rapidly take over and redefine media in the information age. The Internet Production Club offers students an opportunity to be on the leading edge of technology while producing live broadcasts of both student athletic events and other large-scale productions at Glenbard West. Members of this club learn valuable technical skills as well as what it means to function as a team in real time in the world of live broadcasting. They have the opportunity to edit, live stream, and create highlight reels to publish for the school and community to view. Club Meetings are based on event schedules and student need.
Jam Club
Advisor – Mr. Szarzak
The Jam club is a student-driven organization where those who would like to play in a band with friends and others can participate in a fluid, loose, and creative atmosphere. Jams club is open to all musicians, regardless of experience or skill level.
Jazz Club
Advisor – Mr. Walsh
Jazz Band is an extracurricular ensemble that utilizes traditional big band instrumentation: saxophones, trombones, trumpets, guitar, bass, piano, and drums. Rehearsals are currently one evening a week. Admission is by audition which occurs in the early fall.
Key Club
Advisor – Mrs. Tranchita
A community and school service club that takes an active role in assisting individuals and groups at Glenbard West High School, in DuPage County, and throughout the Chicagoland area. Student members develop leadership through involvement with the Glen Ellyn Kiwanis Club and other service clubs throughout the community. By helping Kiwanis, the club sponsors funds for college scholarships, and offer assistance to other needy community projects and citizens. Key Club members become part of an international organization that offers a club member magazine and regional, national, and international leadership conferences. Some service activities and fundraising projects that members perform include car washes, Peanut Day donations, walk-a-thons, Big Brother/Big Sister student assistance programs, food drives, clothing drives, book and toy drives, and friendship activities.
La Societe Honoraire De Francais (French Honor Society)
Advisor – Ms. Callicoat
Students enrolled in French are eligible for membership after their third semester of study. Students must meet academic requirements.
Luminary Magazine
Sponsor – Ms. Fiedler
This is a new club.
Math Team
Advisors – Ms. Colwell, Mr. Eckman & Ms. Nolan
Math team meets in room 220 every Thursday from September until May. Members participate in math competitions on Wednesday or Thursday nights once a month in the Northern Suburban Mathematics League (NSML) and in the ICTM Regional and State competition each Spring.
Medical Club
Advisor – Ms. Brennan
If you are interested in exploring curriculum &/or employment potential within the medical professions, this club is for you. We have many guest speakers who currently work in Health-related careers, sharing their expertise and advice. Field trips are developed as interests are expressed. We meet twice/month – before school.
Model United Nations (Model UN)
Advisor – TBA
The Model United Nations organization provides students with an opportunity to participate in a United Nations The Model United Nations organization provides students with an opportunity to participate in a United Nations simulation. Glenbard West students will be assigned a nation to represent, will research the working of the United Nations and will develop strategies for dealing with current international issues within the U.N. structure and from their nations’ 68 perspectives. At the conferences, the delegates will debate with students from all over the United States and Canada and attempt to implement the strategies mentioned above.
Muslim Student Association (MSA)
Advisors – Ms. Ali
The Muslim Student Association is a club where Glenbard West students of all backgrounds can come together to learn about the Muslim faith.
My Voice
Advisors – Ms. Shah
My voice spotlights the diversity of student voices, in style and structure, with original performances that above all, tell powerful authentic stories.
National Honors Society
Advisor – Ms. Rio
Membership in the National Honor Society is given to worthy juniors and seniors, based on four areas: scholarship, leadership, character, and service, all in the context of the school setting. To be considered, a student must have a 3.44 GPA. After initial qualification, subsequent evaluation by the faculty on the basis of leadership and character and a completed form of service, selections are made by the faculty council. The Glenbard West chapter of the National Honor Society has been active for over seventy-five years.
Advisor – Ms. Chen & Ms. Panici
Orchesis is designed for those students who love to dance, have fun, and meet new people. This club consists of about 100 students who meet once or twice a week after school to prepare for the big dance show at the end of the year. No dance experience is necessary and everybody is welcome. The first organizational meeting will be held after winter break.
Orchestra (Concert, Chamber, Honor String Orchestra)
Advisor – Mr. Ortega
The Orchestra offers a varied program with numerous performance opportunities including concerts, solo and ensemble competitions, the all-school musical, master classes, and performances for civic, social, and fraternal organizations. This organization also participates in I.H.S.A. contests and IMEA festivals. Class membership is limited to strings and keyboards, with winds and percussion being selected from the Symphonic Band. Students of all ability levels are encouraged to join, and there is no audition required for membership.
Yearbook Club (The Pinnacle)
Advisors – Ms. McMahon & Ms. Rio
The word pinnacle means peak or summit, and the members of the yearbook staff hope that the publication of The Pinnacle, the school yearbook, will be one of your high points. Published in the fall, the book includes the highlights of the preceding school year, from registration to graduation.
Political Science Club
Advisor – Ms. Zayas
Do you enjoy political discussion? Then the Political Science Club is for you! Students will discuss a variety of political issues as well as candidates/representatives and their respective views. Come enjoy and participate in the lively debate in a respectful forum. Broaden your perspective and become involved in the political process.
Advisors – Ms. Callicoat & Mr. Neberz
Prism is West’s Gay-Straight Alliance – a club for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer students and their allies. As West’s Gay/Straight Alliance, we seek to cultivate a safe, dynamic place focused on LGBTQ rights and issues. Come to Prism to enjoy Friday afternoons in an accepting, inclusive environment in which you are safe and free from judgment. Discuss current events, meet and talk to riveting guests, play games, relax, and meet new friends. Prism also participates in yearly field trips and connects with other LGBTQ groups in the community.
Advisor – Mr. Metzler
S.T.E.M. Club at Glenbard West promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The club continues learning in these fields and aims to have active participation and support for classes, extracurricular and careers. The executive board of the club will create and promote the Project I event, which will give back to the community, provide a leadership opportunity, and create connections with professionals. The club will be governed by the presidents and club sponsor and the executive board who will fulfill many important tasks for the club and for the project.
Scholastic Bowl
Advisor – Mr. Sutton
Do you like academic competition in the areas of math, science, literature, art, sports, or music? If so, get involved with our Scholastic Bowl teams. This organization provides varsity and junior varsity five-person teams for IHSA academic competition.
Science Olympiad
Advisor – Mr. Haswell
Science Olympiad is an activity in which members participate in various competitions testing scientific knowledge, scientific thinking, lab skills, and building skills. Science Olympiad begins in the fall and ends in April.
Social Media Club
Sponsor – Ms. Chen
This is a new club.
Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica
Advisor – Mrs. Doher
Students earning a high scholastic average in Spanish may be elected to membership in Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica. The specific requirements to be fulfilled in order to be eligible for membership are available from the sponsor.
South Asian Student Association
Advisor – Ms. Patel
SASA is a club aimed to create a community for students of South Asian descent to celebrate the culture and traditions of each region therein and for those unfamiliar to it, to be exposed to its uniqueness. South Asian Nation represents students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, and the Maldives. Our goal is to raise cultural awareness in an environment unfamiliar to the loud, colorful, fun, and historically rich customs of said region. Enjoy regional South Asian fashion, food, entertainment, and more!
Spanish Club
Advisor – Ms. Casey
Spanish Club is an organization designed for students enrolled in Spanish of all grades and levels to gather who are interested in the language, culture and the Spanish-speaking world. Students celebrate Hispanic holidays and participate in various cultural activities. Furthermore, the participants are involved with the community through various volunteer activities. They are also involved in quarterly Spanish-speaking sessions. The club has monthly meetings as well as club officers.
Advisor – Mr. Hardy
“Steppers” is a dance group that uses hands and feet to make music. Students typically meet after school two days a week unless a performance is approaching and then they meet more frequently. Throughout the year, Steppers perform and volunteer at events within District 87 and the greater Glen Ellyn community. Examples of events include Diversity Day, Turkey Trot, Pack the Place, Orchesis, Athletic Events and promotion of the Glenbard West Blood Drive. We focus on promoting diversity and service to others through dance. All are welcome!
Student Council
Advisor – Ms. McGann
Student Council is the student voice of Glenbard West and is made up of five boards – Executive, Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshman. Elections are held in the spring for the following year, but all freshman are welcome to join. Representatives make up the body of members of Student Council and are responsible for Student Council activities. Board members have specific jobs including planning our 8th grade welcome event in May, March Madness, Prom and giving the class gift just to name a few. In addition, the council is in charge of Homecoming, Winter Fest Week, Spring Break Spirit Week, Teacher & Staff Appreciation week, and generally representing Glenbard West at community functions. Members are often asked participate in Leadership Conferences and various community service projects throughout the year.
Students for Students
Advisors – Ms. Mazzone & Ms. Meyer
Students for Students focus on the development of leadership and the promotion of a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle, as well as problems associated with growing up. In addition to educational events, it provides activities that reinforce positive attitudes toward life. Social service opportunities, school pride events (Live Life Well Week, Exit With Pride, Prom Promise, and Red Ribbon Campaign) are highlights of this organization. Outreach activities are also an important part of this club. “Clowns Against Drugs” regularly perform to local 3rd graders on substance abuse prevention and making good choices. In this organization, students are encouraged to pursue healthy drug-free lifestyles and grow in their self-esteem. It is a program operated for and by teens, with adult support.
Students for the Protection of Animals (SFPA)
Advisor – TBA
Students For the Protection of Animals, or SFPA, is an organization promoting the protection and welfare of animals. Throughout the year we will organize fundraisers to donate to popular campaigns and nearby shelters. We will also be volunteering at local organizations involved with protecting animal rights.
Target Success
Advisor – Ms. McMahon
Target Success is a Big Brother/Big Sister Program. Incoming freshmen are matched with juniors and seniors who function as a supportive friend and positive peer. They are involved in a variety of activities during the school year – i.e., camping, gym nights, picnics. The purpose of the program is to encourage leadership potential as well as provide a support transition from the junior high school to the more autonomous and independent function of a high school student. Incoming freshmen begin the program in June of the eighth-grade year. Any parent who has a student entering GWHS and would like them to participate should contact the sponsor in the spring of eighth grade.
Advisor – Mr. Fox
Glenbard West Theatre is open to ALL students who are interested in performance or in working behind the scenes on the technical and business aspects of our productions ‚ no experience is necessary! Theatre Club meetings are held every Thursday after school in the auditorium balcony where announcements are made about how to get involved in upcoming shows and fun social events. We present three mainstage productions a year including a fall musical, a winter drama, and a spring comedy. In addition, we have a studio series in the Black Box which features new student playwrights and our student improvisational troupe, That One Group. Members of the Theatre Club who accrue enough points by active involvement throughout the year are honored at the Theatre Awards Night in May and are inducted into the International Thespian Society, an honor society for high school theatre students.
Advisor – Mr. Matz
The Toadies are the students who work behind the scenes for all auditorium and black box theater events. Toadies offer a great opportunity to learn and apply the many aspects of Technical Theatre. The emphasis is in the areas of lighting, sound, and backstage running; with some set construction and painting. Membership is open to all students regardless of prior experience, as students are trained in many areas of interest. Meetings are held once a month after school.
Advisor – Ms. Biede
That One Group (T.O.G.) is a student-directed improvisation group. Members of T.O.G. perform several shows throughout the year in the intimate space of our Black Box Theater. Because of this, audience energy and participation play is an important part of the theater experience. It is performance without a safety net. T.O.G. stresses a collaborative, dramatic art form. It’s Team Theater.
The Write Place
Advisor – Ms. Mattera
TV Broadcast Club / West Winds
Advisor – Ms. Casey
Are you interested in a career as a television newscaster? An ESPN anchor? Are you a whiz when it comes to audio and video editing? How would you like to be seen doing the West Wind announcements here at West? The TV/Broadcast Club students will work together to produce, write, film, edit (audio and video) and present periodic one to two-minute “commercials” or “documentaries” featuring upcoming Glenbard West events and/or personalities.
West Spirit/Super Fans
Advisor – Ms. Troianiello
West Spirit is an enthusiastic organization dedicated to promoting school spirit and goodwill at Glenbard West. West Spirit meets weekly to decorate the many hallway bulletin boards throughout the building. Each Friday we decorate the main entrance way for all home football games. At holiday time West Spirit delivers holiday cards to all of our students. For Valentine’s Day, we sell and deliver carnations and send special greetings to all students. West Spirit sponsors the Shamrock Shimmy Dance each March. Get involved, join West Spirit!
West Student Leadership
Advisor – Ms. Okerman
Student Leadership Organization
It is the mission statement of West Learning Leadership to identify and select young adults who exhibit leadership potential, have a strong sense of moral values, and possess the compassion necessary to improve their world. With guidance from positive role models and trained professionals, these teens will develop leadership skills that promote responsible decision-making, increase self-esteem, resist negative peer pressure, and encourage conflict resolution. By reaching young leaders who return to their home communities with the ability to influence and inspire, we can develop a network of positive peer groups to impact teen issues and lifestyles. This organization promotes a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle and student are selected during their sophomore year to build strong future leaders.
Yoga Club
Advisor – Ms. McLean
G-Dub Yoga Club at Glenbard West is here to benefit the students in everyday movement, breathing, and relaxation. Having this club once every week on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:00 am allows students to start out the day in peace. During our sessions, we are able to work with people of all ability levels, helping athletes grow stronger, lowering stress levels and providing a fun and peaceful environment for all students is what Yoga Club encourages for Glenbard West.
Frosted in Fashion
Lake Ellyn Boathouse, 645 Lenox Rd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137, USA
District 87 Honors Band Rehearsal
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